Monday, March 14, 2011

A Little of This, A Little of That

Our move on Saturday went well, and we are slowly getting settled in our new house. It is so nice! It feels like we have a ton of space and it's really great that Colette has her own room. I have been feeling a little homesick, which sounds funny because we just moved across town, but it's true. I'm okay with feeling a little sad. I think it's because it feels like I'm beginning a new era in life. On Friday night at the old apartment, Matt and I had a drink and a toast on the balcony looking out at the Hollywood Hills. We agreed that this move felt like the end of one period in our lives and the beginning of another. So change is hard. I have always liked change (this is the fifth home we've had since we moved to LA about six years ago), but it's still hard sometimes.

On a brighter note, Colette is getting so big! Sometimes I look at her, and I just can't believe it. Today is the first day she started reaching for things. Matt's face this morning in bed, her toy today while playing on the floor and the chair I was sitting on while we nursed. It is too cool to see her growing and developing - each day has a new highlight.

I read an article on this morning about being busy. (Click here to read it.) It said that being "busy" is a state of mind. Really another article about mindfulness. It said that during times when there's a lot to do, it's the way you do these things that matters. I really like that concept, especially now when our house is like an insane asylum and it's hard for me to get a moment to do anything about it. The old me (before Hoffman, which I will, dear friend, write more about soon) would have been so stressed about the state of our house and sacrificing everything, sleep, time with the baby, etc., to get it in order. The new me is practicing every day to do one thing at a time to, to focus on what I'm doing and most importantly, to prioritize what's important to me in life (i.e. time with Colette is much more important than getting another box put away). It is so much more relaxing than racing around thinking about what needs to be done next as I frantically try to get as much done as possible. Now this isn't easy for me, but I'm getting better every day. And I like it.

Jessica O.

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