Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Cove & The LA Marathon

Matt and I watched the most amazing movie the other night – The Cove, which won best documentary at the Oscars this year. I cried at the end! Out of happiness by the way. And it takes a lot to get me to cry at a movie. It was so touching, and I would definitely recommend watching it.

Life has been turned upside down. So much is going on! I haven’t been feeling well, which is why I haven’t written in a while, but Matt and I are otherwise doing well. Matt has had several interviews and is working hard to find a great job. The biggest news I have is that I’m going to the Hoffman Institute on May 7th! It’s basically an 8-day retreat in Napa Valley where you look into thoughts and behavior you have that isn’t serving you well. Last year, our life coach recommended that if Matt and I were interested, we should go before we have kids. Apparently it helps you avoid passing your crazy behavior onto your kids. Anyway, we decided that it’s now or never so I’m going in May and Matt is going in June. I am super-excited for the opportunity to do something like this.

A few weeks ago, Matt and I ran a mile of the LA marathon. What a trip! We did this with an organization called Sunshine Kids, which holds fun, confidence-building events for kids with cancer. Each kid gets to run/walk a mile of the 26 miles of the marathon with a torch, their family and at least one volunteer. It was so cool to see these kids take part in the marathon. The other thing I couldn’t believe is how many people are there running! It warmed my heart to see people of all ages, races, shapes and sizes doing such hard-core exercise. Especially when you see and hear about so many people who don’t take care of themselves. I loved being there. The route this year was also fab. It went from downtown LA, through West Hollywood, Hollywood, Beverly Hills (down Rodeo Drive) and then out to the pier at Santa Monica beach. Our mile was #10, which was right in the heart of Hollywood. I told Carla, the girl I was running with, that it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience to get to run down Hollywood Boulevard in the middle of the day.

Last but not least, I am dying to read a good novel, and I would love your suggestions. Old or new, obscure or popular – I’m open to anything you recommend. Hope you are having a great day.

Jessica O.


  1. miss you!!! so glad you posted. i think about you every day!!! i am going to look into that retreat you mentioned - sounds amazing! glad you're getting to do it! yea!


  2. Thanks for the movie recommendation! I've added it to the top of our Netflix queue :-)
