Monday, April 18, 2011


This weekend was both great and difficult at the same time. It was great because we spent time Saturday on a big beach towel in our lovely front yard on our lovely street. The weather was perfect, Colette was amazed with looking up at the sky and the trees and Odin was happy to be out with the family. Matt and I read and enjoyed the time together. Sunday family time was even better. We walked to the beach, and I put Colette's feet in the sand for the first time. She and I were both wearing hats, and she thought it was funny when the hats would touch. So cute. And the weekend was hard because we started teaching Colette to fall asleep on her own. We are doing what I think of as the gentle version of sleep training - when she cries, we pick her up. But when she stops, we put her back down. This is really difficult for her because we have bounced her to sleep since she was born. And difficult for me to hear her cry so much. I just love her so dearly and I never want her to be so sad or frustrated. But this is life! And I know that this is better for her and us in the long run. We can't keep going on forever without sleep.

Jessica O.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Baby Love & Fun with Friends

Since I've been back to work (about two weeks now), life has been busy! So I wanted to share this recent photo of Colette - right after she flipped from her back to her belly for the first time, this video of Colette's new bath that goes on the sink (and saves tons of water) and this photo from our trip to the Dodger game. We went with our friends Jen and Peter last Friday and had a blast. Hope you are having a great weekend.

Jessica O.